Plataforma Municipal de Apoio à arte contemporânea


PLÁKA encompasses a set of projects that underpin policies designed to support contemporary artistic activity in Porto, including the initiatives, Aquisição, Colectivo Pláka, Anuário, Paulo Cunha e Silva Art Prize, Criatório and Shuttle.
Through mediating processes of creation, reflection and research in different fields of art, PLÁKA is a platform that stimulates synthesis and analysis of artistic production in Porto, in articulation with the city council’s cultural policy.
The PLÁKA platform is an initiative of Porto City Council.

  • TEAM

    Mayor and Head of Culture
  • Rui Moreira

      • Artistic Direction
  • Guilherme Blanc
  • Executive Direction
    Sílvia Fernandes
  • Coordination
    Sílvia Escórcio

    Editorial Coordination
    • Lídia Queirós



  • Comité 2024
  • Desirée Pedro

  • João Laia

    João Laia is a curator and writer with a background in social sciences, film theory and contemporary art. His projects explore the relationships between philosophical thought, social structures, technology and representation. He presents performance, video and exhibition programmes from around the world and collaborates with several international art fairs. He is a regular contributor to the magazine, Mousse.
  • Maura Marvão